This past Spring, at the Annual NALTO® Conference in San Antonio, TX, we held a New Member Orientation Session and Reception. This was successfully attended by over 35 attendees. One of the key topics of interest was the NALTO® Credentialing Guidelines within our Standards of Best Practices. Frank Phillips, President of MDA, Inc., and current Past President of NALTO® gave the presentation.
As NALTO® Member Firms, we have agreed to uphold good industry standards of Best Practices which include the intake, credentialing, and verification of our Physician Candidates.
First, the intake documentation collected and verified on a physician candidate should include:
Credentials Verification Guidelines
- Provider’s current CV
- Completed and signed Application
- Three Peer References (Physicians colleagues within 18 months)
- Copies of State Licenses & CDS’s
- DEA Certificate
- Diplomas and Training Certificates
Have a process in place to not just collect these items from your Physician Candidates, but make certain you have verified each document as well.
Second, every NALTO® Member Company should have their own Physician Candidate Application that includes:
- Full legal name/ address/ contact info
- Schooling and Training with dates Mo/Yr
- DOB/ Social Security Number (W9 Form for 1099 Independent Contractor Processing)
- Delineation Questions
- Explanations of any “Yes” Answers
- Explanation of Past or Present Medical Malpractice Claim
- Complete Work History
- Attestation Statement / Signature/ Date
Third, references should be collected on Physician Candidates prior to allowing the candidate to represent your company.
- Three separate opinions from peers that can attest to the provider’s clinical, abilities, personality and rapport
- Should have worked with provider within the past 24 months with date of last interaction
- Both written and verbal references are acceptable/ company should obtain directly from reference themselves
Many more details including some very resourceful on-line links were provided in the presentation.
- This presentation will be conducted again this fall that the New Member Orientation on September 27th at 4:30pm at the NALTO® Fall Fly-In, Las Vegas. At this session we will have an opportunity for further discussion and questions. You may also review the full presentation here